Introduction to Python for Bioinformatics

May 12, 2025, 2 p.m. - May 16, 2025, 5 p.m.

Organizer -

Bioinformatics Core

Contact -

UC Davis Bioinformatics Core,

Location -

Virtual Workshop

Enhance your bioinformatics knowledge with this five-part online workshop in Introduction to Python. Python is a programming language that is used widely in the creation of many bioinformatics software. This workshop consists of five half-day sessions, combining lecture and exercises to teach you the basics of programming (using python), with an emphasis on bioinformatics. No previous programming experience is necessary.

The registration fee is $350 for current students, postdocs, staff and faculty at Univeristy of California campus' or UC National Labs (LBNL, LANL, LLNL), $500 for other academic or non-profit participants and $650 for other participants. We accept credit cards, as well as UC Davis recharge accounts, for payment.


Registration closes on: May 16, 2025

UC account payment Credit card payment