So you want to do a: RNAseq experiment, Differential Gene Expression Analysis (Sacramento, CA)
Feb. 22, 2017, 1 p.m. - Feb. 22, 2017, 3 p.m.
Organizer -
Bioinformatics Core
Contact -
UC Davis Bioinformatics Core,
Location -
UC Davis Clinical and Translational Science Center Auditorium, Sacramento, CA
This FREE workshop is intended for those who are interested in and are in the planning stages of conducting an RNA-Seq experiment. Topics to be discussed will include:
- Experimental Design of RNA-Seq experiment
- Sample preparation, best practices
- High throughput sequencing basics and choices
- Cost estimation
- Differential Gene Expression Analysis
- Data cleanup and quality assurance
- Mapping your data
- Assigning reads to genes and counting
- Analysis of differentially expressed genes
- Downstream analysis/visualizations and tables
The workshop will be held in the UC Davis Clinical and Translational Science Center Auditorium in Sacramento. The speaker (Matt Settles, PhD) will be available after the workshop to answer any additional questions you may have.