#maptimeDavis Workshop: Earth Engine & R for presentation-quality contextual maps

Jan. 12, 2021, 10 a.m. - Jan. 12, 2021, noon

Organizer -

DataLab: Data Science and Informatics

Contact -

DataLab datalab-training@ucdavis.edu

We will combine the power of Earth Engine with the user-friendliness of R to generate beautiful, presentation-quality contextual maps. The workshop will focus on Landsat imagery, but is generalizable to other remote sensing products. Creativity is encouraged! We will use Earth Engine to access, filter, and crop data for download, and then use R to wrangle our dataset and generate beautiful, high-resolution plots.

Attendees will need to have a Google Earth Engine account prior to attending the workshop (may take a few days to process a request for a new account), and have R installed. Attendees will also need to have the following R packages installed: tidyverse, raster, sf, rgdal, RStoolbox.

No experience necessary, but Earth Engine and R exposure are a bonus!

Speaker Bio: Christian John is a 4th-year PhD student in the Graduate Group in Ecology using novel remote sensing data to explore how snowmelt and plant growth drive bighorn sheep migration.

The Zoom link will be sent to in your registration confirmation email.



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