2017 Flow Cytometry Summer Short Course
July 17, 2017, 9 a.m. - July 21, 2017, 5 p.m.
Organizer -
Flow Cytometry Shared Resource
Contact -
Bridget McLaughlin (bmclaughlin@ucdavis.edu) Jacki Balderama (jbalderama@ucdavis.edu)
This comprehensive flow cytometry course is enhanced with interactive laboratory sessions using many of our UC Davis cytometers as well as new instrumentation and software to teach you to a variety of established and new approaches in cytometry. Special guest speakers will introduce new trends in flow cytometry and explain the physical and electronic concepts in light collection and signal processing. Thanks to many generous sponsors, lunches and coffee breaks are provided to promote opportunities for interaction with the instructors and cytometry specialists. Please make plans to join us this summer for another fun week of flow education. For registration details and fees, please go to the Biotechnology Program’s summer courses page at: http://www.biotech.ucdavis.edu/SummerCourses.html
Course objectives:
Learn the fundamental concepts of how flow cytometers work
Discuss best practices in sample preparation for flow cytometry
Describe standard assays and techniques
Introduce new cutting edge technologies and applications for single cell analysis and genomics
Demystify multicolor cell staining, compensation and analysis
Laboratory sessions include:
UC Davis LSRII: Software setup for successful multicolor acquisition and analysis
UC Davis Astrios Cell Sorter: Cell sorting fundamentals using the Beckman Coulter Astrios
Cytometer setup and quality control for consistent performance on the Cytek Athena cytometer
Multispectral imaging flow cytometry using the Amnis FlowSight Imaging Cytometer
Multiparameter analysis of cell surface markers, cytokines and transcription factors
FlowJo basic and advanced flow cytometry data analysis and panel design wizard
And more!
Special guest speakers:
Holden Maecker, Ph.D., Director, Stanford University Human Immune Monitoring Core
Jolene Bradford, Associate Director Flow Cytometry Systems, Molecular Probes, a Division of Invitrogen with ThermoFisher Scientific
Marty Bigos, Director, Stanford Shared Flow Cytometry Laboratory
Marcia Mednick, Senior Applications Support Scientist, Takara Bio