Flow Jo Advanced Training Seminar Sacramento Campus

Nov. 21, 2019, noon - Nov. 21, 2019, 3:30 p.m.

Organizer -

Flow Cytometry Shared Resource

Contact -

Bridget McLaughlin bmclaughlin@ucdavis.edu 530 754 9611 Jonathan Van Dyke jvandyke@ucdavis.edu 916 703 9307

Location -

Sacramento campus: UCDMC Medical Education Bldg., Room 3202

The UC Davis Flow Cytometry Core is hosting two free “FlowJo” training seminars this month in Davis (Wed Nov 20) and Sacramento (Thursday Nov 21). The seminars will be led by our Western Region FlowJo Applications Scientist, Jack Panopoulos, Ph.D., who has years of experience in teaching users how to make the most of the powerful cytometry analysis tools available in FlowJo. A pizza lunch and refreshments will be served!


The seminars will be split into two sections, 10am-noon will be the intro section going over basic concepts like Groups, Keywords, Layouts, Compensation and Saving Workspaces.


An advanced session will follow at 1pm-4pm and will cover exciting new topics like Plugins, Down-sampling, tSNE, Complex Layouts, Concatenation, Export and other special platforms.



What: FlowJo Introductory (10am-noon) and Advanced Seminars (1pm-4pm)


Davis campus: Wednesday November 20, 10am-4pm

Sacramento campus: Thursday November 21, 10am – 4pm


Davis campus: Tupper Hall, rooms 2133 and 2135 (ground floor, by rear loading dock)

Sacramento campus: UCDMC Medical Education Bldg., Room 3202



We look forward to seeing you there! If you have any questions or comments please do not hesitate to contact us.

Registration is closed for this event