Genomics Workshop: Hands-on Introduction to Genomics Data Visualization and Analysis
Feb. 10, 2019, 10:30 a.m. - Feb. 10, 2019, 5:30 p.m.
Organizer -
DataLab: Data Science and Informatics
Contact -
Academic Coordinator: Pamela Reynolds,, Data Science Initiative Workshop instructor: Gerald Quon,, Molecular and Cellular Biology
Location -
Data Science Initiative Shields Library Room 360
Ever wanted to learn how to analyze genomics data, or seen some nice figures in a class or paper, and wanted to learn how to draw them? Looking to add some skills to your resume for grad school or a job application?
This hands-on workshop led by Professor Gerald Quon will cover the fundamentals of data analysis and visualization of single cell genomics (RNA) data from different types of samples (tumors, stem cells). Topics will include experimental design, quality control, visualization and typical statistical analyses.
The workshop will be run in R, and is targeted at undergraduate students. It will be a mix of 25% discussion and 75% hands-on tutorial. We will not assume you have any prior knowledge of R or genomics data analysis, but you should have basic knowledge about what transcription and DNA sequencing is, and be able to install R before attending (
Cost: Registration is $10, which will cover snacks.
Requirements: A laptop with R installed and working. Installing RStudio is optional but encouraged.
Additional information can be found on the Data Science Initiative website.