Primer on Using the Bioinformatics Core Administrated Servers and Cluster(s)
Jan. 17, 2018, 1 p.m. - Jan. 17, 2018, 3 p.m.
Organizer -
Bioinformatics Core
Contact -
UC Davis Bioinformatics Core,
Location -
1005 GBSF (Auditorium)
A short workshop on how to effectively use the servers and clusters that are administrated by the Bioinformatics Core sysadmin team. This 2-hour seminar will discuss the following topics relating to our systems:
- Explanation of user spaces (home directories) vs 'share' spaces (lab directories/shares)
- Working in a team (lab), file/folder permissions
- Using applications, the module system, when to request software, when to install software yourself
- Submitting jobs to the cluster, using slurm
- When you should ask for help, and whom to contact
- Use of the Research Computing Resources portal for account administration
- Cost structure of the Cluster and cluster sustainability
This workshop has the expectation that you are currently using our systems and can use more information/help on how to be more effective (answer some lingering questions), OR will be using our systems in the near future. The workshop will NOT cover basic command line basics.