Long Read Optical Mapping Enables Novel Applications for Genome Assembly, Cancer Research and Genetic Disease
May 23, 2019, noon - May 23, 2019, 1 p.m.
Organizer -
DNA Technologies Core
Contact -
Heather Mashhoodi Regional Business Manager HMashhoodi@bionanogenomics.com
Location -
Genome Center confrence room #4202 GBSF, room 4202
The Bionano Genomics solution for whole-genome optical mapping offers an extremely long-read technology, providing the ability to assemble chromosome-arm length maps used to scaffold sequence contigs and correct assembly errors. Additionally, Bionano has unmatched sensitivity to identify all major types of structural variation. Examples will be presented of how the Bionano Saphyr platform is helping to build the most complete and accurate genome assemblies, and how it compares to other scaffolding methods like Hi-C.
Advances to the Saphyr platform have enabled molecular diagnosis for patients with undiagnosed genetic disorders and elucidated genomic rearrangements in cancer that are missed by NGS and cytogenetic methods.
Lunch will be provided.
Registration required for free lunch.