BioNano Lunch & Learn Seminar

March 5, 2019, noon - March 5, 2019, 1 p.m.

Organizer -

Bioinformatics Core

Contact -

Heather Mashhoodi <>

Location -

UC Davis, GBSF Auditorium

Combining NGS and Bionano Genome Mapping data produces high quality de novo assemblies 
Speaker: Sven Bocklandt, PhD, Diretor of Scientifiic Affairs, Bionano Genomics


Generating high-quality finished genomes remains challenging. The genomes of higher organisms are highly repetitive. The widespread use of next-generation sequencing (NGS) has led to an accumulation of incomplete assemblies. Only extremely long, megabase size molecules provide accurate structure of the genome.


Bionano Genomics’ platform for whole genome mapping offers an extremely long-read technology, providing unmatched sensitivity to detect structural variation. Our de novo maps can resolve complex repetitive regions, identify Copy Number Variations, and elucidate genome-wide structural variation like balanced/unbalanced translocations, inversions, and indels with much higher sensitivity and precision than sequencing-based methods. 

**Please register so we can get an accurate headcount for lunch.

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