2016 International Summer Sessions in Metabolomics
Sept. 12, 2016, 9 a.m. - Sept. 23, 2016, 4 p.m.
Organizer -
West Coast Metabolomics Center
Contact -
UC Davis Bioinformatics Core, bioinformatics.core@ucdavis.edu
Location -
UC Davis
The West Coast Metabolomics Center organizes an instructional course for biologists, clinical researchers and metabolomics practitioners. This course will span 12 days from September 12-23, 2016. The course will comprise three separate sessions (units). Each session is open for registration by itself, but participation is strongly encouraged for all three sessions combined .
All three sessions will work by theoretical instructions in addition to solving problems in small teams, aided by WCMC staff members as necessary. The second and third sessions will include hands-on training in mass spectrometry, data processing and data interpretation. All participants will be trained on laptops that were specifically purchased for course training, with all software already installed and data available to use. Tuition: $5000
1st Session "Metabolomics 101" September 12-14, 2016 UC Davis Genome Center
It gives a complete overview and introduction into metabolomics, from study designs to interpretation of data. This session is specifically valuable for beginners in metabolomics, and for scientists from adjacent disciplines (including clinicians, but also genomics researchers or statisticians) who would like to inform themselves which biological questions can be addressed by metabolomics, how data are generated, and how data can be interpreted.
We will discuss study designs and pitfalls, including sample harvesting and sample preparation. We will further introduce participants into concepts and use cases for mass spectrometry-based metabolomics, including an overview on data processing. Participants will then use the Metabolomics Workbench to exercise, how metabolomic data can be interpreted.
Tuition: $1500
2nd Session "Untargeted Metabolomics" September 15-20, 2016 UC Davis Alumni Center
Metabolomics aims at all metabolic pathways, and is inherently aimed at innovation and discovery, also called 'hypothesis generation'. Untargeted metabolomics may included targeted aspects, for example for flux analysis using stable isotope tracers, or for steady-state analyses where all metabolites, both known compounds and novel chemicals, are analyzed. Hence, the best approach to 'untargeted' metabolomics is to widen principles and practices of classic target-driven analytics! We will use both LC-MS and GC-MS data.
This session will give introductions into data processing for untargeted metabolomics, including lipidomics and metabolic flux analysis. Participants will be trained in using the free MS-DIAL software using laptops provided by the WCMC. Hence, participation in this session is limited to 25 scientists. We will also instruct in concepts and management of MS data, including use of databases. Specific emphasis will be given for instructing researchers in identifying unknown compounds from accurate mass data using three freeware software programs and the commercial MassFrontier software. All data and programs will be pre-installed on the participant laptops, and WCMC members will assist the participants in exercises.
Tuition: $2250
3rd Session "Data Analytics" September 20-23, 2016 UC Davis Alumni Center
Metabolomics data are complex in scope and breadth. We will use different study designs for exercises in data analytics, using laptops specifically tailored to this course, and using freeware software that participants can use back at their home institutions. Study designs will include simple case/control tests, paired studies including cross-over designs, as well as longitudinal studies with different treatments. Studies encompass data from human biopsies, plant organs, and cell cultures to embrace the whole breadth of metabolomics studies. Data are investigated by statistical tools from MetaboAnalyst, Devium and MetaBox. Results are then interpreted using pathway mapping approaches, visualized using Cytoscape networks and interpreted by including text mining. Participants work in small groups and present results for their studies to the course participants.
Tuition: $2250
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to Jeannette Martins at: jmartins@ucdavis.edu