Primer on Using the Bioinformatics Core Administrated Servers and Cluster(s)

Jan. 17, 2018, 1 p.m. - Jan. 17, 2018, 3 p.m.

Organizer -

Bioinformatics Core

Contact -

UC Davis Bioinformatics Core,

Location -

1005 GBSF (Auditorium)

 A short workshop on how to effectively use the servers and clusters that are administrated by the Bioinformatics Core sysadmin team. This 2-hour seminar will discuss the following topics relating to our systems:

This workshop has the expectation that you are currently using our systems and can use more information/help on how to be more effective (answer some lingering questions), OR will be using our systems in the near future. The workshop will NOT cover basic command line basics.


Registration is closed for this event